About WeRecycle - Recycling Services AG

WeRecycle is your collection service for all unsorted recyclables - at home and in companies

With a WeRecycle subscription, we collect recyclable goods such as plastic packaging, aluminum, PET, PE bottles, foils, glass bottles, small electrical appliances, Tetrapaks, cork, batteries, coffee capsules, styrofoam, empty toners and much more in our collection bag and sort the individual recyclables by hand and feed them back into the recycling cycle via our regional partner companies.
You save the time and effort of sorting and disposal. You simply throw all potential recycling goods into the collection bag - we do the rest.

Provide us your recyclables before they become waste, because far more recyclables can be recycled than you would think - even those for which there are almost no collection points such as TetraPak, various types of plastic or cork. Our professionals have a trained eye and we have the necessary capacities and buyers to receive all raw materials in the best possible way. Efficient, ecological and sustainable - and without any effort for you.

WeRecycle in 129 seconds (German Video)

Our mission


WeRecycle was founded in 2015. For the numerous full boxes and bags with empty glass bottles, cans and numerous other waste in the student apartment of our founders, a solution had to be found that was simple, sustainable and nevertheless affordable. This laid the foundation stone for our company, which continues to reinvent and improve itself with innovations and services.

With our steady growth, we ensure that households and companies in more and more Swiss communities are becoming more sustainable.

We are far from beeing perfect and we don't have to be. However, we are firmly convinced that we all have to make a contribution to preserving our environment and not only offset CO2 emissions, but also reduce them. We owe it to future generations.

Why offset CO2 emissions when you can reduce them? Every kilogram of waste incinerated, every trip to a recycling center generates exhaust gases, requires crude oil and generates CO2. WeRecycle is simplifying the recycling process for everyone. We conserve valuable resources, keep raw materials in circulation and reduce unnecessary trips to collection points. Use your valuable free time wisely instead of wasting it in overcrowded recycling centers.


The social aspect


For us at WeRecycle, we also have a strong social responsibility. Basically, we give people from every segment of the population and of all origins a fair chance of employment and wherever possible we try to consider employees who had little or no chance on the primary labor market (long-term unemployed, former inmates, cooperation with foundations, etc.).

Some of our partners in the social sector are:

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